Atlas Copco (2)All-steel scaler RRC for stone-masonry.
BBG (77)Böhler Baugeräte GmbH. Specialized in products for the construction- and quarry industry, the furnace- and steel industry as well as the mining industry.
Boart Longyear (22)
Windowsamplers and cutting shoes.
BWS (19)Drillbits from Germany.
Darda GmbH (10)Splitting Cylinders for demolition of concrete and reinforced concrete.
Doofor (6)Hydraulic Rockdrills from Finland offer high drilling performance, solid and easy to integrate in different drilling solutions.
E-Z Drill (18)Pneumatic drilling equipment for airport runway construction, lane additions, full-depth repair, industrial and utility projects.
Favre SARL (5)ROCKAIR pneumatic tools for drilling and demolition.
Frölich+Klüpfel (1)Pneumatic chipping hammers for stonemasonry and stone sculptors.
Guillet SA (28)Drilling- and scabblingtools, for the local stone industry.
Hycon A/S (16)Hydraulic tools for the construction and demolition industry.
ILMEG Produkts AB (5)Pneumatic, hydraulic and electric dust collection solutions for drilling applications.
LubroStar (11)Lubricator with Lubro Star®-Synthetic Activator (LSSA).
Mannesmann DEMAG (3)Compressed air tools, air motors, grinding spindles and chisels.
Monark AS (696)Integral drill steel, tapered rods, plug hole rods, threaded rods, button bits and furnace tapping equipment.
Pneutec (6)Pneumatic chipping hammers, impact wrenches, angle grinders, drivers and blind nail guns.
Rockmore International (11)Drill bits, DTH hammers and bits, extension and tunnelling rods, integral and tapered rods, shank adapters and other drill tool accessories.
Solida-Werk GmbH (960)Chisels of superior German quality.
Spit (1)For fastenings on concrete, stone and steel.
SPITZNAS (11)Compressed air and hydraulic drilling equipment and core drills.