Dust Collectors
ILMEG Dust collection solutions for drilling applications
ILMEG Produkts AB Dust Collectors
Ilmeg manufactures pneumatic, hydraulic and electric dust collection solutions for drilling applications. These dust collectors are extremely robust and have a simple and durable design. It’s well known that drill dust is hazardous for the health. Using a dust collector during drilling operations can eliminate virtually all drill dust particles. Investing in a dust collection solution is investing in the health of the drillers and bystanders.
Pneumatic Dust Collectors
Ilmeg pneumatic dust collectors are extremely robust and have a simple and durable design. Fully pneumatic dust collectors are used in rock drilling and breaking applications carried out with pneumatic equipment to improve productivity and improve the working conditions with regards to dust. Specially designed for rough conditions in combination with excellent mobility due to the low weight. ILMEG dust collectors are continuously improved and built of high quality components to ensure long, safe and economical operation.
Rocbo offers these Ilmeg pneumatic dust collectors for use with one drill or breaker with hole size diameters of 38 to 140 mm: type Micro, Macro, Econ 900, AS 900 and AM 900.
Hydraulic Dust Collectors
Ilmeg hydraulic dust collectors are extremely robust and have a simple and durable design. Hydraulic dust collectors are used in rock drilling applications for improved productivity and improved working conditions with regards to dust. A typical application is for blast hole drilling with top hammer rock drills. ILMEG dust collectors are continuously improved and built of high quality components to ensure long, safe and economical operation.
Rocbo offers these Ilmeg hydraulic dust collectors for use with one drill or breaker with hole size diameters of 51 to 203 mm: type X-100, X-125, X-150, X-200, H300 Compact, Econ 600 H, Econ 900 H, HS 900 and HSL 900.
ROCBO Drilling & Demolition | Supplier of ILMEG Dust Collectors
ROCBO supplies pneumatic and hydraulic Dust Collectors. ILMEG is a well-known brand name in the construction and mining industry and our products and services are known to be of highest quality. Rocbo represents this Swedish company since 2008. We can be reached by telephone (see below) during working days for any questions.