Hex. 19x50 mm

Hex. 19x50 mm

  • Bull point H19x50
  • Flat chisel H19x50
  • Wide chisel H19x50
  • Post hole driver / Tamper plates H19x50

Bull point H19x50

Pneumatic chisels with Shank: Hexagon 19x50 mm.
Tool point diameter: ø30 mm. Suitable for Pneumatic scaler / hammer BBG BM4-BM5-BM6, BBG BS5-BS6 and Rockair GV5D and for the Hydraulic breaker HYCON HH10.

Universal chisel for demolition work. Ideal for creating openings and cracks in concrete, brick masonry and many other materials. Use for the demolition of loose rock. Bull point is pyramidally forged for the wedge effect during the removal. With the concentrated power transfer to the point ideal for breaking, breaking through and breaking off material.

Product Name1 Art. nr. Weight Delivery Time Price
Bull point H19x50 / 250 Bull point H19x50 / 250


801952 0.70 1 Work day £13.48
Bull point H19x50 / 350 Bull point H19x50 / 350


801958 1.00 1 Work day £14.95
Bull point H19x50 / 450 Bull point H19x50 / 450


801954 1.20 On request £17.21
Bull point H19x50 / 600 Bull point H19x50 / 600


801965 1.60 1 Work day £70.26
Bull point H19x50 / 1000 Bull point H19x50 / 1000


801964 2.50 On request £110.75

Flat chisel H19x50

Pneumatic chisels with Shank: Hexagon 19x50 mm.
Tool point diameter: ø30 mm. Suitable for Pneumatic scaler / hammer BBG BM4-BM5-BM6, BBG BS5-BS6 and Rockair GV5D and for the Hydraulic breaker HYCON HH10.

Universal in use, with additional cutting or crushing effect. For demolition work. Ideal for creating openings and breakthroughs in concrete, brick and many other materials. Use for the demolition of loose rock. Also for removing mortar residues and concrete remainder.

Product Name1 Art. nr. Weight Delivery Time Price
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x250 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x250

EE Hexagonal 19x50 mm W.25xWL.250 mm

801953 0.70 1 Work day £13.48
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x350 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x350


801959 1.00 1 Work day £14.95
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x450 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x450


801955 1.20 On request £17.21
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x600 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x600


801966 1.60 1 Work day £70.26
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x1000 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x1000


801963 2.50 1 Work day £110.75
Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x1500 Flat chisel H19x50 / 25x1500


801972 3.70 1 Work day £127.02

Wide chisel H19x50

Pneumatic chisels with Shank: Hexagon 19x50 mm.
Tool point diameter: ø30 mm. Suitable for Pneumatic scaler / hammer BBG BM4-BM5-BM6, BBG BS5-BS6 and Rockair GV5D and for the Hydraulic breaker HYCON HH10.

With extra-large width and additional cutting effect. For the universal removal of materials on a larger scale, for example floor finish. For easy asphalt renovation. Ideal for working in slightly frozen soil.

Product Name1 Art. nr. Weight Delivery Time Price
Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 60x200 Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 60x200


801950 0.80 1 Work day £23.19
Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 60x200, angled Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 60x200, angled


801951 0.80 1 Work day £26.35
Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 95x210 Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 95x210


801956 0.80 1 Work day £38.58
Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 95x210, angled Wide scaling chisel H19x50 / 95x210, angled


801957 0.80 1 Work day £39.85

Post hole driver / Tamper plates H19x50

Shank: Hexagon 19x50 mm
Tool point diameter: ø30 mm

High-quality Post hole drivers and tamper plates for many pneumatic and electric hammers. Delivery includes the adapter!

German chisels for every chisel and every shank. Solida-Werk GmbH manufactures and supplies all chisels for electric, hydraulic and pneumatic hammers.

Product Name1 Art. nr. Weight Delivery Time Price
Post hole driver H19x50 / Ø60x30x290 mm Post hole driver H19x50 / Ø60x30x290 mm
Ø max. 60 mm
864391 2.60 On request £305.02
Tamping tool with forged plate H19x50 / 120x120xL.260 mm Tamping tool with forged plate H19x50 / 120x120xL.260 mm
W.120x120 / L.260 mm
864392 2.50 On request £162.30